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Nedjeljni filmski kutak: “Filmski citati 2”


Filmove pamtimo po mnogim stvarima, radnji, scenama, muzici, glumcima. Ali i po rečenicama koje kasnije koristimo u svakodnevnom govoru ili koje nas bacaju u razmišljanje i divljenje. Ova lista pripada onoj iz drugog dela rečenice, pa ih pokušajte razumeti.

1. I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. – Radije bih podelila jedan život sa tobom, nego se suočila sa svim godinama ovog sveta sama.

Arwen, Lord of the Rings

2. My father is no different than any other powerful man. Like a senator or president. – Moj otac se ne razlikuje od bilo kog drugog moćnog čoveka. Poput senatora ili predsednika.

Michael Corleone, The Godfather

3. Mama always said, dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn˙t. – Mama je uvek govorila, umiranje je deo života. Voleo bih da nije.

Forrest Gump

4. Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome. – Danas sam videla kako je rob postao moćniji od rimskog cara.

Luccila, Gladiator

5. You can˙t hide what˙s in your heart. – Ne možeš sakriti ono što ti je u srcu.

John Coffey, The Green Mile

6. Every day I think about what you said to me that day on the bridge. And I´ve tried to live my life the best I could. I hope that was enough. – Svaki dan razmišljam o tome šta si mi rekao tog dana na mostu. Pokušao sam živeti svoj život najbolje što sam mogao. Nadam se da je to bilo dovoljno.

Private Ryan, Saving Private Ryan

7. Not every gift is a blessing. – Nije svaki dar blagoslov.

The Sixt Sense

8. If my answers frighten you, Vincent, then you should cease asking scary questions. – Ako te moji odgovori plaše Vincente onda bi trebao prestati postavljati strašna pitanja.

Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction

9. Death smiles us all. All a man can do is smile back. – Smrt nam se svima osmehuje. Sve što čovek može je da uzvrati osmeh.

Marcus Aurelius, Gladiator

10. Evan the smallest person can change the course of the future. – Čak i najmanja osoba može promeniti tok budućnosti.

Galadriel, Lord of the Rings

11. A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousend men with guns. – Advokat sa aktovkom može ukrasti više novca od muškarca sa pištoljem.

The Godfather

12. Every man fights his own war. – Svaki čovek vodi svoj rat.

The Thin Red Line

13. At my signal, unleash hell. – Na moj znak, oslobodite pakao.

Maximus, Gladiator

14. I´m tired, boss. Mostly I˙m tired of people bein ugly to each other. – Umoran sam šefe. Najviše sam umoran od ljudi koji se ponašaju ružno jedni prema drugima.

John Coffey, The Green Mile

15. You can´t handle the truth. – Ne možeš se nositi sa istinom.

Col. Jessup, A Few Good Men

16. Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens. – Neveran je onaj koji kaže zbogom kada se put smrači.

Gimli, Lord of the Ring

17. Some bird aren´t meat to be caget. Their feathers are just too bright. – Neke ptice nisu namenjene kavezima. Perje im je jednostavno presvetlo.

Ellis Boyd „Red“ Redding, The Shawshank redemption

18. You can tell her that when you found me, I was the only brothers I had left. And that there was no way I was deserting them. I think she´d understand that. – Reci joj kada si me našao, da sam bio sa jedinom braćom koja su mi ostala. I da nema šanse da ih napustim. Mislim da bi ona to razumela.

Private Ryan, Saving Private Ryan

19. I˙m not a smat man. But I know what love is. – Ja nisam pameta čovek. Ali znam šta je ljubav.

Forrest Gump

20. My final offer is this, nothing. – Moja konačna ponuda je ovo, ništa.

Michale Corleone, The Godfather

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